Warp an image according to a given coordinate transformation

tefla.da.data.fast_warp (img, tf, output_shape, mode='constant', mode_cval=0, order=0)

This wrapper function is faster than skimage.transform.warp


  • img: ndarray, input image
  • tf: For 2-D images, you can directly pass a transformation object e.g. skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform, or its inverse.
  • output_shape: tuple, (rows, cols)
  • mode: mode for transformation available modes: {constant, edge, symmetric, reflect, wrap}
  • mode_cval: float, Used in conjunction with mode constant, the value outside the image boundaries
  • order: int, The order of interpolation. The order has to be in the range 0-5: 0: Nearest-neighbor 1: Bi-linear (default) 2: Bi-quadratic 3: Bi-cubic 4: Bi-quartic 5: Bi-quintic


warped, double ndarray

Transform input image contrast

tefla.da.data.contrast_transform (img, contrast_min=0.8, contrast_max=1.2)

Transform the input image contrast by a factor returned by a unifrom distribution with contarst_min and contarst_max as params


  • img: ndarray, input image
  • contrast_min: float, minimum contrast for transformation
  • contrast_max: float, maximum contrast for transformation


ndarray, contrast enhanced image

Transform input image brightness

tefla.da.data.brightness_transform (img, brightness_min=0.93, brightness_max=1.4)

Transform the input image brightness by a factor returned by a unifrom distribution with brightness_min and brightness_max as params


  • img: ndarray, input image
  • brightness_min: float, minimum contrast for transformation
  • brightness_max: float, maximum contrast for transformation


ndarray, brightness transformed image

Rescale Transform

tefla.da.data.build_rescale_transform_slow (downscale_factor, image_shape, target_shape)

This mimics the skimage.transform.resize function. The resulting image is centered.


  • downscale_factor: float, >1
  • image_shape: tuple(rows, cols), input image shape
  • target_shape: tuple(rows, cols), output image shape


rescaled centered image transform instance

Rescale Transform

tefla.da.data.build_rescale_transform_fast (downscale_factor, image_shape, target_shape)

estimating the correct rescaling transform is slow, so just use the downscale_factor to define a transform directly. This probably isn't 100% correct, but it shouldn't matter much in practice. The resulting image is centered.


  • downscale_factor: float, >1
  • image_shape: tuple(rows, cols), input image shape
  • target_shape: tuple(rows, cols), output image shape


rescaled and centering transform instance

Image cetering transform

tefla.da.data.build_centering_transform (image_shape, target_shape)


  • image_shape: tuple(rows, cols), input image shape
  • target_shape: tuple(rows, cols), output image shape


a centering transform instance

Center Unceter transform

tefla.da.data.build_center_uncenter_transforms (image_shape)

These are used to ensure that zooming and rotation happens around the center of the image. Use these transforms to center and uncenter the image around such a transform.


  • image_shape: tuple(rows, cols), input image shape


a center and an uncenter transform instance

Augmentation transform

tefla.da.data.build_augmentation_transform (zoom= (1.0, 1.0), rotation=0, shear=0, translation= (0, 0), flip=False)

It performs zooming, rotation, shear, translation and flip operation Affine Transformation on the input image


  • zoom: a tuple(zoom_rows, zoom_cols)
  • rotation: float, Rotation angle in counter-clockwise direction as radians.
  • shear: float, shear angle in counter-clockwise direction as radians
  • translation: tuple(trans_rows, trans_cols)
  • flip: bool, flip an image


augment tranform instance

Random perturbation

tefla.da.data.random_perturbation_transform (zoom_range, rotation_range, shear_range, translation_range, do_flip=True, allow_stretch=False, rng=)

It perturbs the image randomly


  • zoom_range: a tuple(min_zoom, max_zoom) e.g.: (1/1.15, 1.15)
  • rotation_range: a tuple(min_angle, max_angle) e.g.: (0. 360)
  • shear_range: a tuple(min_shear, max_shear) e.g.: (0, 15)
  • translation_range: a tuple(min_shift, max_shift) e.g.: (-15, 15)
  • do_flip: bool, flip an image
  • allow_stretch: bool, stretch an image
  • rng: an instance


augment transform instance

crop an image

tefla.da.data.definite_crop (img, bbox)


  • img: ndarray, input image
  • bbox: list, with crop co-ordinates and width and height e.g.: [x, y, width, height]


returns cropped image

Perturb image

tefla.da.data.perturb (img, augmentation_params, target_shape, rng=, mode='constant', mode_cval=0)

It perturbs an image with augmentation transform


  • img: a ndarray, input image
  • augmentation_paras: a dict, with augmentation name as keys and values as params
  • target_shape: a tuple(rows, cols), output image shape
  • rng: an instance for random number generation
  • mode: mode for transformation available modes: {constant, edge, symmetric, reflect, wrap}
  • mode_cval: float, Used in conjunction with mode constant, the value outside the image boundaries


a ndarray of transformed image

Perturb image rescaled

tefla.da.data.perturb_rescaled (img, scale, augmentation_params, target_shape= (224, 224), rng=, mode='constant', mode_cval=0)

It perturbs an image with augmentation transform


  • img: a ndarray, input image
  • scale: float, >1, downscaling factor.
  • augmentation_paras: a dict, with augmentation name as keys and values as params
  • target_shape: a tuple(rows, cols), output image shape
  • rng: an instance for random number generation
  • mode: mode for transformation available modes: {constant, edge, symmetric, reflect, wrap}
  • mode_cval: float, Used in conjunction with mode constant, the value outside the image boundaries


a ndarray of transformed image

Perturb image Determinastic

tefla.da.data.perturb_fixed (img, tform_augment, target_shape= (50, 50), mode='constant', mode_cval=0)

It perturbs an image with augmentation transform with determinastic params used for validation/testing data


  • img: a ndarray, input image
  • augmentation_paras: a dict, with augmentation name as keys and values as params
  • target_shape: a tuple(rows, cols), output image shape
  • mode: mode for transformation available modes: {constant, edge, symmetric, reflect, wrap}
  • mode_cval: float, Used in conjunction with mode constant, the value outside the image boundaries


a ndarray of transformed image

Load augmented image with output shape (w, h)

tefla.da.data.load_augment (fname, preprocessor, w, h, is_training, aug_params={'zoom_range':(1.0, 1.0), 'translation_range':(0, 0), 'shear_range':(0, 0), 'do_flip': False, 'allow_stretch': False, 'rotation_range':(0, 0)}, transform=None, bbox=None, fill_mode='constant', fill_mode_cval=0, standardizer=None, save_to_dir=None)

Default arguments return non augmented image of shape (w, h). To apply a fixed transform (color augmentation) specify transform (color_vec). To generate a random augmentation specify aug_params and sigma.


  • fname: string, image filename
  • preprocessor: real-time image processing/crop
  • w: int, width of target image
  • h: int, height of target image
  • is_training: bool, if True then training else validation
  • aug_params: a dict, augmentation params
  • transform: transform instance
  • bbox: object bounding box
  • fll_mode: mode for transformation available modes: {constant, edge, symmetric, reflect, wrap}
  • fill_mode_cval: float, Used in conjunction with mode constant, the value outside the image boundaries
  • standardizer: image standardizer, zero mean, unit variance image e.g.: samplewise standardized each image based on its own value
  • save_to_dir: a string, path to save image, save output image to a dir


augmented image

Open Image

tefla.da.data.image_no_preprocessing (fname)


  • fname: Image filename


PIL formatted image

Load batch of images

tefla.da.data.load_images (imgs, preprocessor=)


  • imgs: a list of image filenames
  • preprocessor: image processing function


a ndarray with a batch of images

Load image

tefla.da.data.load_image (img, preprocessor=)


  • img: a image filename
  • preprocessor: image processing function


a processed image

Save image

tefla.da.data.save_image (x, fname)


  • x: input array
  • fname: filename of the output image

Data balancing utility

tefla.da.data.balance_per_class_indices (y, weights)


  • y: class labels
  • weights: sampling weights per class


balanced batch as per weights