Define a log loss

tefla.core.losses.log_loss_custom (predictions, labels, eps=1e-07, name='log')


  • predictions: 2D tensor or array, [batch_size, num_classes] predictions of the network .
  • labels: 2D or array tensor, [batch_size, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • eps: a constant to set upper or lower limit for labels, smoothening factor
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the log loss.

Define a log loss

tefla.core.losses.log_loss_tf (predictions, labels, eps=1e-07, weights=1.0, name='log_loss')


  • predictions: 2D tensor or array, [batch_size, num_classes] predictions of the network .
  • labels: 2D or array tensor, [batch_size, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • eps: a constant to set upper or lower limit for labels, smoothening factor
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the log loss.

Define a kappa loss, Its a continuous differentiable approximation of discrete kappa loss

tefla.core.losses.kappa_loss (predictions, labels, y_pow=1, eps=1e-15, num_ratings=5, batch_size=32, name='kappa')


  • predictions: 2D tensor or array, [batch_size, num_classes] predictions of the network .
  • labels: 2D tensor or array,[batch_size, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • y_pow: int, to whcih the labels should be raised; useful if model diverge. e.g. y_pow=2
  • num_ratings: numbers of rater to used, typically num_classes of the model
  • batch_size: batch_size of the training or validation ops
  • eps: a float, prevents divide by zero
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the kappa loss.

Define a joint kappa and log loss, Kappa is a continuous differentiable approximation of discrete kappa loss

tefla.core.losses.kappa_log_loss (predictions, labels, label_smoothing=0.0, y_pow=1, batch_size=32, log_scale=0.5, num_classes=5, log_offset=0.5, name='kappa_log')


  • predictions: 2D tensor or array, [batch_size, num_classes] predictions of the network .
  • labels: 2D tensor or array,[batch_size, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • label_smoothing: a float, used to smooth the labels for better generalization if greater than 0 then smooth the labels.
  • y_pow: int, to whcih the labels should be raised; useful if model diverge. e.g. y_pow=2
  • num_ratings: numbers of rater to used, typically num_classes of the model
  • batch_size: batch_size of the training or validation ops
  • log_scale: a float, used to multiply the clipped log loss, e.g: 0.5
  • log_offset:a float minimum log loss offset to substract from original log loss; e.g. 0.50
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the kappa log loss.

Define a joint kappa and log loss; log loss is clipped by a defined min value; Kappa is a continuous differentiable approximation of discrete kappa loss

tefla.core.losses.kappa_log_loss_clipped (predictions, labels, label_smoothing=0.0, y_pow=1, batch_size=32, log_scale=0.5, log_cutoff=0.8, num_classes=5, name='kappa_log_clipped')


  • predictions: 2D tensor or array, [batch_size, num_classes] predictions of the network .
  • labels: 2D tensor or array,[batch_size, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • label_smoothing: a float, used to smooth the labels for better generalization if greater than 0 then smooth the labels.
  • y_pow: int, to whcih the labels should be raised; useful if model diverge. e.g. y_pow=2
  • num_ratings: numbers of rater to used, typically num_classes of the model
  • batch_size: batch_size of the training or validation ops
  • log_scale: a float, used to multiply the clipped log loss, e.g: 0.5
  • log_cutoff:a float, minimum log loss value; e.g. 0.50
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the clipped kappa log loss.

Define a cross entropy loss with label smoothing

tefla.core.losses.cross_entropy_loss (logits, labels, label_smoothing=0.0, weight=1.0, name='cross_entropy_loss')


  • predictions: 2D tensor or array, [batch_size, num_classes] predictions of the network .
  • labels: 2D tensor or array,[batch_size, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • label_smoothing: a float, used to smooth the labels for better generalizationif greater than 0 then smooth the labels.
  • weight: scale the loss by this factor.
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the cross entropy loss.

Define a L2Loss, useful for regularize, i.e. weight decay

tefla.core.losses.l1_l2_regularizer (var, weight_l1=1.0, weight_l2=1.0, name='l1_l2_regularizer')


  • var: tensor to regularize.
  • weight_l1: an optional weight to modulate the l1 loss.
  • weight_l2: an optional weight to modulate the l2 loss.
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


the l1+L2 loss op.

Returns a function that can be used to apply L1 regularization to weights

tefla.core.losses.l1_regularizer (scale, name='l1_regularizer') L1 regularization encourages sparsity.


scale: A scalar multiplier Tensor. 0.0 disables the regularizer. name: An optional name/scope name.


A function with signature l1(weights) that apply L1 regularization.

Returns a function that can be used to apply L2 regularization to weights

tefla.core.losses.l2_regularizer (scale, name='l2_regularizer') Small values of L2 can help prevent overfitting the training data.


scale: A scalar multiplier Tensor. 0.0 disables the regularizer. name: An optional name/scope name.


A function with signature l2(weights) that applies L2 regularization.

log-likelihood for mixture of discretized logistics, assumes the data has been rescaled to [-1,1] interval

tefla.core.losses.discretized_mix_logistic_loss (inputs, predictions, sum_all=True, name='disretized_mix_logistic_loss')


  • predictions: 4D tensor or array, [batch_size, width, height, out_channels] predictions of the network .
  • inputs: 4D tensor or array, [batch_size, width, height, num_classes] ground truth labels or target labels.
  • name: Optional scope/name for op_scope.


A tensor with the discretized mix logistic loss.

Pull Away loss calculation

tefla.core.losses.pullaway_loss (embeddings, name='pullaway_loss')


  • embeddings: The embeddings to be orthogonalized for varied faces. Shape [batch_size, embeddings_dim]

Calculate the loss from the logits and the labels

tefla.core.losses.segment_loss (logits, labels, num_classes, head=None)


logits: tensor, float - [batch_size * width * height, num_classes]. - Use vgg_fcn.up as logits. labels: Labels tensor, int32 - [batch_size * width * height, num_classes]. - The ground truth of your data. head: numpy array - [num_classes] - Weighting the loss of each class - Optional: Prioritize some classes


loss: Loss tensor of type float.

Calculate the triplet loss according to the FaceNet paper

tefla.core.losses.triplet_loss (anchor, positive, negative, alpha=0.2, name='triplet_loss')


anchor: 2-D tensor [batch_size, embedding_size], the embeddings for the anchor images. positive: 2-D tensor [batch_size, embedding_size], the embeddings for the positive images. negative: 2-D tensor [batch_size, embedding_size], the embeddings for the negative images. alpha: positive to negative triplet distance margin


the triplet loss.

Decov loss as described in

tefla.core.losses.decov_loss (xs, name='decov_loss') 'Reducing Overfitting In Deep Networks by Decorrelating Representation'


  • xs: 4-D tensor [batch_size, height, width, channels], input


a float decov loss

Center loss based on the paper "A Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Deep Face Recognition"

tefla.core.losses.center_loss (features, label, alpha, num_classes, name='center_loss') (


  • features: 2-D tensor [batch_size, feature_length], input features
  • label: 1-D tensor [batch_size], input label
  • alpha: center loss parameter
  • num_classes: a int numof classes for training


a float, center loss

Adds a similarity loss term, the correlation between two representations

tefla.core.losses.correlation_loss (source_samples, target_samples, weight, name='corr_loss')


  • source_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]
  • target_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]
  • weight: a scalar weight for the loss.
  • scope: optional name scope for summary tags.


a scalar tensor representing the correlation loss value.

Computes the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) of two samples: x and y

tefla.core.losses.maximum_mean_discrepancy (x, y, kernel=, name='maximum_mean_discrepancy')

Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) is a distance-measure between the samples of the distributions of x and y. Here we use the kernel two sample estimate using the empirical mean of the two distributions.

MMD^2(P, Q) = || \E{\phi(x)} - \E{\phi(y)} ||^2= \E{ K(x, x) } + \E{ K(y, y) } - 2 \E{ K(x, y) },

where K = <\phi(x), \phi(y)>, is the desired kernel function, in this case a radial basis kernel.


  • x: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]
  • y: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]
  • kernel: a function which computes the kernel in MMD. Defaults to theGaussianKernelMatrix.


a scalar denoting the squared maximum mean discrepancy loss.

Adds a similarity loss term, the MMD between two representations

tefla.core.losses.mmd_loss (source_samples, target_samples, weight, name='mmd_loss')

This Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) loss is calculated with a number of different Gaussian kernels.


source_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]. target_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]. weight: the weight of the MMD loss. scope: optional name scope for summary tags.


a scalar tensor representing the MMD loss value.

Adds the domain adversarial (DANN) loss

tefla.core.losses.dann_loss (source_samples, target_samples, weight, name='dann_loss')


source_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]. target_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]. weight: the weight of the loss. scope: optional name scope for summary tags.


a scalar tensor representing the correlation loss value.

Adds the difference loss between the private and shared representations

tefla.core.losses.difference_loss (private_samples, shared_samples, weight=1.0, name='difference_loss')


private_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]. shared_samples: a tensor of shape [num_samples, num_features]. weight: the weight of the incoherence loss. name: the name of the tf summary.

A helper function to compute the error between quaternions

tefla.core.losses.log_quaternion_loss_batch (predictions, labels, name='log_quaternion_batch_loss')


predictions: A Tensor of size [batch_size, 4]. labels: A Tensor of size [batch_size, 4]. params: A dictionary of parameters. Expecting 'use_logging', 'batch_size'.


A Tensor of size [batch_size], denoting the error between the quaternions.

A helper function to compute the mean error between batches of quaternions

tefla.core.losses.log_quaternion_loss (predictions, labels, batch_size, name='log_quaternion_loss')

The caller is expected to add the loss to the graph.


predictions: A Tensor of size [batch_size, 4]. labels: A Tensor of size [batch_size, 4]. params: A dictionary of parameters. Expecting 'use_logging', 'batch_size'.


A Tensor of size 1, denoting the mean error between batches of quaternions.

Adds noise to embeddings and recomputes classification loss

tefla.core.losses.random_perturbation_loss (embedded, length, loss_fn, perturb_norm_length=0.1)


  • embedded: 3-D float Tensor, [batch_size, num_timesteps, embedding_dim]
  • length: a int, length of the mask
  • loss_fn: a callable, that returns loss
  • perturb_norm_length: a float, Norm length of adversarial perturbation to be optimized with validatio


perturbation loss

Adds gradient to embedding and recomputes classification loss

tefla.core.losses.adversarial_loss (embedded, loss, loss_fn, perturb_norm_length=0.1)


  • embedded: 3-D float Tensor, [batch_size, num_timesteps, embedding_dim]
  • loss: float, loss
  • loss_fn: a callable, that returns loss
  • perturb_norm_length: a float, Norm length of adversarial perturbation to be optimized with validatio


adversial loss

Virtual adversarial loss

tefla.core.losses.virtual_adversarial_loss (logits, embedded, labels, length, logits_from_embedding_fn, num_classes, num_power_iteration=1, small_constant_for_finite_diff=0.001, perturb_norm_length=0.1) Computes virtual adversarial perturbation by finite difference method and power iteration, adds it to the embedding, and computes the KL divergence between the new logits and the original logits.


  • logits: 2-D float Tensor, [num_timesteps*batch_size, m], where m=1 if num_classes=2, otherwise m=num_classes.
  • embedded: 3-D float Tensor, [batch_size, num_timesteps, embedding_dim].
  • labels: 1-D Tensor, input labels
  • length: a int, input length
  • logits_from_embedding_fn: callable that takes embeddings and returns classifier logits.
  • num_classes: num_classes for training
  • vocab_size: a int, vocabular size of the problem
  • num_power_iteration: a int, the number of power iteration
  • small_constant_for_finite_diff: a float, Small constant for finite difference method
  • perturb_norm_length: a float, Norm length of adversarial perturbation to be optimized with validatio


a float scalar, KL divergence.

Adds noise to embeddings and recomputes classification loss fir bidirectional rnn models

tefla.core.losses.random_perturbation_loss_brnn (embedded, length, loss_fn, perturb_norm_length=0.1)


  • embedded: 3-D float Tensor, [batch_size, num_timesteps, embedding_dim]
  • length: a int, length of the mask
  • loss_fn: a callable, that returns loss
  • perturb_norm_length: a float, Norm length of adversarial perturbation to be optimized with validatio


perturbation loss

Adds gradient to embeddings and recomputes classification loss for bidirectional rnn models

tefla.core.losses.adversarial_loss_brnn (embedded, loss, loss_fn, perurb_norm_length=0.1)


  • embedded: 3-D float Tensor, [batch_size, num_timesteps, embedding_dim]
  • loss: float, loss
  • loss_fn: a callable, that returns loss
  • perturb_norm_length: a float, Norm length of adversarial perturbation to be optimized with validatio


adversial loss

Virtual adversarial loss for bidirectional models

tefla.core.losses.virtual_adversarial_loss_brnn (logits, embedded, labels, length, logits_from_embedding_fn, vocab_size, num_classes, num_power_iteration=1, small_constant_for_finite_diff=0.001, perturb_norm_length=0.1) Computes virtual adversarial perturbation by finite difference method and power iteration, adds it to the embedding, and computes the KL divergence between the new logits and the original logits.


  • logits: 2-D float Tensor, [num_timesteps*batch_size, m], where m=1 if num_classes=2, otherwise m=num_classes.
  • embedded: 3-D float Tensor, [batch_size, num_timesteps, embedding_dim].
  • labels: 1-D Tensor, input labels
  • length: a int, input length
  • logits_from_embedding_fn: callable that takes embeddings and returns classifier logits.
  • num_classes: num_classes for training
  • vocab_size: a int, vocabular size of the problem
  • num_power_iteration: a int, the number of power iteration
  • small_constant_for_finite_diff: a float, Small constant for finite difference method
  • perturb_norm_length: a float, Norm length of adversarial perturbation to be optimized with validatio


a float scalar, KL divergence.

Generate a mask for the EOS token (1.0 on EOS, 0.0 otherwise)

tefla.core.losses._end_of_seq_mask (tokens, vocab_size)


  • tokens: 1-D integer Tensor [num_timesteps*batch_size]. Each element is an id from the vocab.
  • vocab_size: a int, vocabular size of the problem


Float 1-D Tensor same shape as tokens, whose values are 1.0 on the end of sequence and 0.0 on the others.

Returns weighted KL divergence between distributions q and p

tefla.core.losses._kl_divergence_with_logits (q_logits, p_logits, weights, num_classes)


  • q_logits: logits for 1st argument of KL divergence shape [num_timesteps * batch_size, num_classes] if num_classes > 2, and [num_timesteps * batch_size] if num_classes == 2.
  • p_logits: logits for 2nd argument of KL divergence with same shape q_logits.
  • weights: 1-D float tensor with shape [num_timesteps * batch_size]. Elements should be 1.0 only on end of sequences
  • num_classes: a int, number of training classes


a float scalar, KL divergence.

Calculates the per-example cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits and

tefla.core.losses.cross_entropy_sequence_loss (logits, targets, sequence_length) masks out all losses passed the sequence length.


  • logits: Logits of shape [T, B, vocab_size]
  • targets: Target classes of shape [T, B]
  • sequence_length: An int32 tensor of shape [B] corresponding -to the length of each input


A tensor of shape [T, B] that contains the loss per example, per time step.