Supervised Trainer class (model, cnf, training_iterator=, validation_iterator=, start_epoch=1, resume_lr=0.01, classification=True, clip_norm=True, n_iters_per_epoch=1094, num_classes=5, gpu_memory_fraction=0.94, is_summary=False, loss_type='softmax_cross_entropy')


  • model: model definition
  • cnf: dict, training configs
  • training_iterator: iterator to use for training data access, processing and augmentations
  • validation_iterator: iterator to use for validation data access, processing and augmentations
  • start_epoch: int, training start epoch; for resuming training provide the last
  • epoch number to resume training from, its a required parameter for training data balancing
  • resume_lr: float, learning rate to use for new training
  • classification: bool, classificattion or regression
  • clip_norm: bool, to clip gradient using gradient norm, stabilizes the training
  • n_iters_per_epoch: int, number of iteratiosn for each epoch; e.g: total_training_samples/batch_size
  • gpu_memory_fraction: amount of gpu memory to use
  • is_summary: bool, to write summary or not


fit (data_set, weights_from=None, start_epoch=1, summary_every=10, weights_dir='weights', verbose=0)

  • data_set: dataset instance to use to access data for training/validation
  • weights_from: str, if not None, initializes model from exisiting weights
  • start_epoch: int, epoch number to start training from e.g. for retarining set the epoch number you want to resume training from
  • summary_every: int, epoch interval to write summary; higher value means lower frequency of summary writing
  • verbose: log level

Clips the gradients by the given value (gradients_to_variables, max_norm=10)


  • gradients_to_variables: A list of gradient to variable pairs (tuples).
  • max_norm: the maximum norm value.


A list of clipped gradient to variable pairs.

Clips the gradients by the given value (tvars, loss, opt, global_norm=1, gate_gradients=1, gradient_noise_scale=4.0, GATE_GRAPH=2, grad_loss=None, agre_method=None, col_grad_ops=False)


  • tvars: trainable variables used for gradint updates
  • loss: total loss of the network
  • opt: optimizer
  • global_norm: the maximum global norm


A list of clipped gradient to variable pairs.

Multiply specified gradients (grads_and_vars, gradient_multipliers)


  • grads_and_vars: A list of gradient to variable pairs (tuples).
  • gradient_multipliers: A map from either Variables or Variable op names
  • to the coefficient by which the associated gradient should be scaled.


The updated list of gradient to variable pairs.

Adds scaled noise from a 0-mean normal distribution to gradients (grads_and_vars, gradient_noise_scale=10.0)


  • grads_and_vars: list of gradient and variables
  • gardient_noise_scale: value of noise factor


noise added gradients