Set the log file name, using append mode
tefla.core.logger.setFileHandler (filename, mode='a')
- filename: log file name
- e.g. tefla.log
- mode: file writing mode, append/over write if exists else start new file
- e.g. a string, 'a' or 'w'
set the verbosity level of logging
tefla.core.logger.setVerbosity (verbosity=0)
- verbosity: set the verbosity level using an integer {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
- e.g. verbosity=0, imply DEBUG logging, it logs all level of logs verbosity=1, imply INFO logging verbosity=2, imply WARN logging verbosity=3, imply ERROR logging verbosity=4, imply FATAL logging, it logs only the lowest FATAL level
Logs the Highest level DEBUG logging, it logs all level
tefla.core.logger.debug (msg, args, *kwargs)
- msg: the message to log
Logs the level INFO logging, it logs all LEVEL BELOW INFO (msg, args, *kwargs)
- msg: the message to log
Logs the WARN logging, it logs all level BELOW WARN
tefla.core.logger.warn (msg, args, *kwargs)
- msg: the message to log
Logs the level ERROR logging, it logs level ERROR and FATAL
tefla.core.logger.error (msg, args, *kwargs)
- msg: the message to log
Logs thE level FATAL logging, it logs only FATAL
tefla.core.logger.fatal (msg, args, *kwargs)
- msg: the message to log