Supervised Trainer, support data parallelism, multi GPU
tefla.core.learning.SupervisedLearner (model, cnf, clip_by_global_norm=False, **kwargs)
- model: model definition
- cnf: dict, training configs
- training_iterator: iterator to use for training data access, processing and augmentations
- validation_iterator: iterator to use for validation data access, processing and augmentations
- start_epoch: int, training start epoch; for resuming training provide the last
- epoch number to resume training from, its a required parameter for training data balancing
- resume_lr: float, learning rate to use for new training
- classification: bool, classificattion or regression
- clip_norm: bool, to clip gradient using gradient norm, stabilizes the training
- n_iters_per_epoch: int, number of iteratiosn for each epoch; e.g: total_training_samples/batch_size
- gpu_memory_fraction: amount of gpu memory to use
- is_summary: bool, to write summary or not
fit (data_set, weights_from=None, weights_dir='weights', start_epoch=1, summary_every=10, keep_moving_averages=False, **kwargs)
- data_set: dataset instance to use to access data for training/validation
- weights_from: str, if not None, initializes model from exisiting weights
- start_epoch: int, epoch number to start training from e.g. for retarining set the epoch number you want to resume training from
- summary_every: int, epoch interval to write summary; higher value means lower frequency of summary writing
- keep_moving_averages: a bool, keep moving averages of trainable variables